

文章来源:   发布时间:2015/12/03   阅读:

WaterFurnace: 5 Series/500A11 geothermal heat pump

Serviceability features LED fault and status lights on the Aurora board with memory for easy diagnostics. Aurora AID tool provides enhanced service information via communication directly with the Aurora control including sensor inputs, fault history, and more. Aurora AID tool port is located on the exterior of the unit for diagnostics and troubleshooting without even opening the unit. Noise-reduction features double isolation-mounted compressors, soft-starting blower motors, insulated compressor compartment, interior cabinet insulation using ½-inch coated glass fiber, and all units including compressor blanket for quiet operation.

Source: ACHR News (a part of news report) 海洛斯精密空调∕海洛斯机房空调
